Almost Holy — Trailer


added: Tue, Apr 19th '16

Director Steve Hoover and producer Danny Yourd, the acclaimed filmmakers who made their cinematic debut with the Sundance-winning documentary "Blood Brother," have completed their sophomore film, which appears to be another fascinating and candid portrait of an unconventional humanitarian.

In the stylized documentary "Almost Holy," the filmmakers aim their lens at Gennadiy Mokhnenko, a rough-edged Ukrainian pastor, and self-appointed protector of homeless street children. Resorting to vigilante-type tactics, Gennadiy forcibly removes young drug-addicted orphans from crime-ridden streets and places them in his own makeshift rehabilitation center for kids. Once situated, he can care for the children's well-being while finding them new homes and families.

"I feel like Superman ... like real hero," Gennadiy says with immense pride in the film's debut trailer (watch it above).

Executive produced by legendary auteur Terrence Malick, along with his producing partner Nicolas Gonda, "Almost Holy" is coming off a successful festival run as it gears up for a theatrical release on May 20th.

The fall of The Soviet Union left Ukraine in a wake of social and political upheaval. The crippled economy and corrupt infrastructure produced little hope. However, a pastor and civic leader from Mariupol, Ukraine named Gennadiy Mokhnenko made a name for himself by forcibly abducting homeless drug-addicted kids from streets of his city. He founded Pilgrim Republic, a children's rehabilitation center and home for former street kids. With Gennadiy’s help over the years, things seem to have changed. Mariupol is no longer crawling with homeless kids. Many credit this largely to his efforts at Pilgrim. Now, as the large majority of Ukraine leans towards a European Union inclusion, hopes of continued revitalization seem possible. In the meantime, Gennadiy's center has evolved into a more nebulous institution.


directed by   Steve Hoover

release date   May 20, 2016 (in theaters)